Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update on pool

The first picture shows the rebar and the second after they have done the gunite concrete.


Enos Heinzen said...

That looks so cool! I am surprised at how fast it is coming together. Makes me sad that i'm not going to get to swim in it until next year. :(

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

Who are those dirty children in the pool? Does their mom ever bathe them?

Melissa said...

Hey Terradactyl and David! It's Methuselah! Hey awesome pool! Betcha can't wait to dive in, especially with the temps you've had lately! Well, I mentioned David on my blog and so you need to check it out: tannertreats.blogspot.com. Oh, and by the way, You've Been Tagged! Gotcha!

Lindsay said...

that's so much fun!!!! i'm jealous that we don't live near you guys so we can come swimming everyday during the summer.


Wow, it looks huge! So, ummmm, when's the 1st pool party????