Saturday, November 3, 2007

A fun day fishing

We were all just bored and decided to go fishing behind our house. There is this little pond back there and we just dug up some worms and made a homemade fishing pole. It was so fun!!!! Everyone caught fish. Jakob caught the first one a baby perch. Then Kora was next also catching a baby perch. PaPa was next catching a five pound catfish. Austin came later catching a massive fish.

Kora caught this seven pound catfish and it almost pulled her in the water but PaPa caught Kora
and saved her.


Lindsay said...

oh my GOSH.. that catfish is HUGE!!!! way to go kora. that looks fun i wish i could have gone fishing with you guys.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

I like this post. Jake and Austin look SO much alike in each of their pictures. My Kora is the best outdoorsman EVER!!!

Amanda said...

WOW!!!! Talk about HUGE!! Pierce loves to go awesome to have that pond in your backyard!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! GO KORA! Love the video! People should use more videos in their blogs...

Anonymous said...

I wana do a video!!! Is it easy? Daddy we will talk on Friday and you can tell me the easy way to do it! Love the photos and blogging!!

Laura Jansson said...

I'm so impressed! That looks like so much fun! I'm jealous you have a pond in your backyard! I love seeing all the pictures and posts of your family! Love, Laura