Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Older woman shoots son-in-law in back of head

Some of you know that I own the mobile home park behind my office called Dal-Rock Meadows. Last Saturday night I received a phone call from the Rowlett Police and they wanted me to come to the park and talk to them immediately. When I got there they told me that the lady in lot 21 had just shot her son-in-law in the back of the head and was still in the mobile home and would not answer any police calls. They ask me to draw them a diagram of the inside of the mobile home so they could figure out had they were going to take her down. There were machine guns and police everywhere. After about 90mins the lady came out of her mobile home and fell down on her front porch. She had shot herself in the chest. She had shot herself and son-in-law with a 22 caliber pistol that is why they both survived. Go to the link below and read and listen to the 911 call and watch the news video. What a crazy world we live in. The older woman's daughter had just told her that her husband was leaving her.



Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

what kinda place u runnin' over there?

Unknown said...

HOLY COW! What a professional call taker! I would have been all, "She did WHAT at your WHERE now!?"

That's insane. How scary.

Lindsay said...

THAT'S NUTTY!!!!... is that going to be bad for business? haha.

Lindsay said...

my biggest question is this... did she punch you in the eye? i saw your black eye on marian's wedding photos...what happened dad!?