Sunday, October 14, 2007

David and Teresa's Place

Well everyone in the family has a blog so why not. MaMa and PaPa must move on with the times so now have created a blog so we can all keep up with each other.


Enos Heinzen said...

yay!!!! pawpaw and mawmaw!!!

Enos Heinzen said...

oops...this is lindsay not enos.

Tara said...

Wonderful! Another blog from your family, (I just LOVE your family), I'm looking forward to reading your adventures!

Amanda said...

More! More!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

Are you gonna do another post or what?!?!

molly said...

Hi Georges! Get posting!

David and Teresa said...

Well we didn't realize that this was going to be a daily adventure but we will give it our best try. We are really boring people just enjoying our family and watching our Daughters grow up and have wonderful families. It is really fun to watch our Daughters work and grow up. They all have made us two very proud in all that they have accomplished. These grandchildren make being old fun and keep us on our toes. So fun to have the Lowes staying with us even if it is for a short time. We will try our best to keep posting comments and we thank you for your comments.

Jake said...

Hi papa and mama like you blog.
Welcome to the bloging world.
Post anthere one.Ok.

Love Jake